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第八届《台大华语文教学研究》论文发表会 2019年12月19日

时       间: 2020.03.08

地       点: 中国台湾 台北 台湾大学

主办单位: 台湾大学华语教学硕士学位学程

与会人数: 待定

8th NTU Postgraduate Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language


Date/时间: 2020.3.28

Location/地点: Taipei City, Taiwan 台北,台湾

Contact Person/联系人: Chun-Ting Chou

Web Site/会议网址: https://bit.ly/2OjGmRZ

Linguistic Field(s)/所涉语言学分支: Applied Linguistics/应用语言学

Subject Language(s)/主题语言: Chinese, Mandarin

Call Deadline/征稿截止: 2019.10.13

Meeting Description/会议详情:

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, and the study of Chinese has become internationally fashionable. In order to develop primary research capabilities and professional training in Chinese language pedagogy, the Eighth NTU Postgraduate Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language will be held on March 28, 2020 at National Taiwan University (NTU).

Organized by postgraduate students from the Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at NTU, this one-day conference hopes to bring together postgraduate students interested in the filed an intellectually stimulating and friendly platform for the exchange of ideas. Presenters of the conference will have the possibility to publish their research in the Proceedings of the Eighth NTU Postgraduate Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.

Call for Papers/征稿:

Conference topics include, but are not limited to:

- Teaching method and design for L2 Chinese

- Lexicon, syntax, semantics and pragmatics

- L2 Chinese acquisition

- Teaching Chinese for specific purposes

- Technology and Chinese L2 teaching

- Cross-culture studies

Submission Guidelines/提交导引:

Submissions can be written in either Chinese or English, and should be between 6,000- 20,000 characters in Chinese or 8,000-12,000 words in English. Talks will be 15 minutes with 8 minutes for discussion. Submission should be emailed attachments (.doc file and .pdf file) to ntutcslconfgmail.com before October 13, 2019.

Important Dates/重要日期:

Submission deadline/提交截止日期: October 13, 2019

Conference date/会议日期: March 28, 2020


- Please send the MS-Word format file as attachment to: ntutcslconfgmail.com

- All papers will be reviewed anonymously.

Duration for each paper presenter: 23 minutes (15 minutes presentation; 8 minutes Q&A)


