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第13届英语本地和非本地口音国际研讨会(ACCENTS 2019) 2019年12月20日

时       间: 2019.12.12~2019.12.14

地       点: Poland波兰 Łódź罗兹 University of Łódź罗兹大学

主办单位: 罗兹大学英语及应用语言学系

与会人数: 待定

13th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English Accents 2019 (ACCENTS 2019)


Date时间: 2019.12.12 - 2019.12.14

Location地点: Łódź, Poland 罗兹,波兰

Contact Person联系人: Anna Jarosz

Web Site会议网址: http://filolog.uni.lodz.pl/accents/

Linguistic Field(s)所涉语言学分支: Applied Linguistics应用语言学

Subject Language(s)主题语言: English

Call Deadline征稿截止: 2019.09.15

Meeting Description会议详情:

'Accents' is an annual conference organized by the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics at University of Łódź, Poland. It brings together researchers and teachers interested in native and non-native accents of English, approached from a variety of theoretical and/or practical perspectives. The key issues discussed each year include individual accent characteristics, the dynamism of accent usage, accent in teaching and learning, the methods and tools for accent studies as well as pronunciation instruction. The leitmotif of Accents 2019 revolves around different contexts for the use of specific pronunciation features in spoken discourse in naturalistic and instructed settings.

Plenary speakers大会报告:

Prof. Murray Munro, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Prof. Veronica Gabriela Sardegna, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Prof. Pavel Trofimovich, Concordia University, Canada

2nd Call for Papers二次征稿:

This is the second call for papers for Accents 2019. As the deadline for abstract submission has approached, we have received requests for extending the deadline due to the holiday season. The extended deadline is now September 15, 2019 with the notifications of acceptance sent before September 30.

The 13th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English - ACCENTS 2018 - is going to be held in Łódź, December 12-14, 2019. We invite papers, workshops and posters related to the main theme ‘Accents Across Contexts’, as well as other issues related to studying and teaching native and non-native accents of English.

Further details can be found in the attached circular and on our website http://filolog.uni.lodz.pl/accents


