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看着很冷,就业很热:香港大学理学士(言语及听觉科学) 2021年05月26日

Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences
 This intensive full-time programme offers students a solid theoretical background in normal human communication and its disorders as well as in related disciplines of medicine, psychology, English and Cantonese linguistics and hearing sciences.Speech therapists assess and treat individuals with a wide range of speech and language disorders, swallowing disorders and other communication difficulties. Speech therapists work with individuals of all ages in various settings such as hospitals, schools, pre-school centres and private clinics.
这个强化全日制课程为学生提供扎实的理论基础,包括正常人类交际及其障碍,以及医学、心理学、英语及广东话语言学及听力科学等相关学科。 This programme has obtained the full endorsement status by the Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists. Graduates from the programme will be accepted as eligible to apply to be Member of Register of Speech Therapists accredited by Department of Health. They are able to practise as speech therapists in Hong Kong, and they are eligible for membership of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists. The degree is equivalent in content to similar courses in Australia and North America. Graduates are also well qualified for post-graduate studies in this or allied disciplines. 


Programme Features

· The curriculum employs a student-centered, “Translational Learning” approach.· The medium of classwork is English with a strong emphasis on active participation, problem-solving and presentations in small discussion groups.· In the final year, students are required to complete a research dissertation.· During the course, students are required to complete over 300 hours of supervised clinical practicum. The clinical programme is conducted predominantly in Cantonese. This programme therefore offers students a unique bilingual education and training. · A strong emphasis is placed on students’ ability to integrate theory and clinical practice, and on their development of the necessary interpersonal and basic research skills. ·本课程采用以学生为中心的“翻译学习”方法。·课程以英语授课,强调学生的积极参与、解决问题和小组讨论。·在最后一年,学生必须完成一篇研究论文。·在课程中,学生需要完成超过300小时的临床实习指导。临床计划主要以广东话进行。因此,本课程为学生提供了独特的双语教育和培训。·本课程注重培养学生将理论与临床实践相结合的能力,培养必要的人际交往能力和基本研究技能。 First Year

Anatomy and Physiology for Speech and Hearing (6 credits)

Clinical Linguistics I: Semantics and Syntax (6 credits)

Clinical Linguistics II: Phonetics (6 credits)

Human Development for Speech and Hearing Sciences (6 credits)

Introduction to Communication Disorders (6 credits)

Common Core Curriculum (24 credits)

Core University English (6 credits)

·语言与听力解剖学与生理学(6学分)·临床语言学I:语义和句法(6学分)·临床语言学II:语音学(6学分)·语言和听力科学人类发展(6学分)·沟通障碍导论(6学分)·公共核心课程(24学分)·大学核心英语(6学分) Second Year

Cognition and Language Processing (6 credits)

Evidence-Based Practice in Speech-Language Therapy (6 credits)

Introduction to Clinical Practice I (6 credits)

Introduction to Clinical Practice II (6 credits)

Neurology and Neuroscience (6 credits)

Research Methods and Statistics for Speech and Hearing Sciences (6 credits)

Speech Science (6 credits)

Academic English for Speech & Hearing Sciences Students (6 credits)

Common Core Curriculum (12 credits)

 ·认知与语言处理(6学分)·言语语言治疗的循证实践(6学分)·临床实践导论I(6学分)·临床实践导论II(6学分)·神经学和神经科学(6学分)·语言与听力科学研究方法与统计(6学分)·语音科学(6学分)·演讲与听力科学专业学术英语(6学分)·共同核心课程(12学分) Third Year

Audiology and Aural Rehabilitation (6 credits)

Complex Cases Paediatric (12 credits)

Language Development and Language Disorders in the Pre-Primary School Years (6 credits)

Paediatric Clinical Practicum I (6 credits)

Paediatric Clinical Practicum II (12 credits)

School-Age and Adolescent Language and Literacy Disorders (6 credits)

Speech Development and Speech Sound Disorders (6 credits)

Voice Disorders (6 credits)

 ·听力学与听觉康复(6学分)·复杂病例儿科(12学分)·学前语言发展与语言障碍(6学分)·儿科临床实习(6学分)·儿科临床实习II(12学分)·学龄和青少年语言和读写障碍(6学分)·语音发育和语音障碍(6学分)·声音障碍(6学分) Fourth Year

Adult Clinical Practicum I (6 credits)

Adult Clinical Practicum II (12 credits)

Aphasia (6 credits)

Complex Cases Adult (12 credits)

Dysphagia (6 credits)

Fluency, Laryngectomy and Craniofacial Disorders (6 credits)

Motor Speech Disorders (6 credits)

Practical Chinese for BSC(SPEECH) Students (6 credits)

 ·成人临床实习II(12学分)·失语症(6学分)·复杂案例成人(12学分)·吞咽困难(6学分)·流畅性,喉切除术和颅面疾病(6学分)·运动言语障碍(6学分)·理学学士(演讲)实用汉语(6学分) Fifth Year

Advanced Studies I: Inter-professional Practice & Multilingualism in Paediatric Settings (6 credits)

Advanced Studies II: Inter-professional Practice & Multimodal Communication in Adult Settings (6 credits)

Research in Human Development and Communication Disorders I (6 credits)

Research in Human Development and Communication Disorders II (12 credits)

Topics in Advanced Clinical Practice (6 credits)

Advanced Clinical Practicum I (6 credits)

Advanced Clinical Practicum II (6 credits)

Advanced Clinical Practicum III (6 credits)

Advanced Clinical Practicum IV (6 credits)




