Workload 工作量
Sitting 座位布置
Head teacher 班主任
Sequencing 活动顺序
Contextualized performance 情景表演
Pedagogical Implications and Applications 教学启示与应用
Call the roll 点名
SAT 美国高考(Scholastic Assessment Test)
Issue 问题
demanding 对自己要求严格的
Use pauses to punctuate(强调) what you say
pitch 音高
imperative 祈使句
commentate 评论
choral word 齐声读(齐唱)
discussion follow-up 后续的活动
Admit your ignorance 承认不懂的地方
an ad hoc explanation 一个临时的解释
the students’ confidence in the teacher 信任
Expand,don’t clutter 杂乱
language pledge 语言誓约
divide the blackboard 安排板书
projector 投影仪
information gap 信息差
demonstrate 演示
wrestle with a problem 努力克服
一、The Importance of Standards
1. less commonly taught language 非普遍教授语言
2. high/low-enrollment language 学习人数多/少的语言
3. syllabus 大纲
guideline 指南,proficiency 能力
4. performance 表现
5. pedagogy 教学法
6. drill 操练
7. cohesion and coherence衔接连贯
8. Audiolingualism 听说法
behaviorism 行为主义
9. communicative competence 交际能力
10. discourse competence 话语能力
11. CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) 交际语言教学(理论基础)
12. K-12 education 幼儿园-12年级教育(kindergarten – Grade 12)
13.interpersonal(人际沟通), interpretive(理解诠释), presentational(表达演示)
14. 文化三角:practices 文化习俗、perspectives 文化观念、products 文化产物
15. Comprehensibility 可理解性
Comprehension 理解程度
二 Bringing Culture into the Chinese
Language classroom through
Contextualized Performance 体演文化教学法
1. contextualized performance 情景体演
2. ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) 美国外语教学委员会
4. Achievement culture 成就文化
Informational culture 信息文化
Behavioral culture 行为文化
6. articulate 发音
7. non-alphabetic 非字母的
8. phonologically 音系学地
9. cognate language 同源语
10. proxemics 人际距离
11. kinesics 人体动作
12. permanent learning 终身学习
13. intonation pattern 语调模式
14. instructional cycle 教学周期
15. rehearsed performance 彩排
16. written genre 书面语类型
三 Focusing on the Learner in the Chinese Language Classroom——Moving from “Talking the Talk” to “Walking the Walk”关注汉语课堂中的学习者——从“光说不练”到“身体力行”
1. Interaction with Authentic Texts 使用真实文 本
2. Literacy Training Texts and Graded Readers 读写训练文本和分级读物
3. interlocutor 对话者
4. thematic units 主题单元
5. sentence pattern 句型句式
6. communicative strategies 交际策略
8. consolidating activity 强化活动
9. simplified characters 简体字
10. full-form(traditional) characters 繁体字
11. activate schema 激活图式
12. global reading 整体阅读
13. skimming 略读
14. outline 大纲
15. index card 索引卡片
四 Literacy Development in Chinese as a Foreign Language 汉语读写能力的提高
1. Logograph 语标 Logographic 语标的(符号的),表意文字的
2. Syllable 音节;Phoneme 音素,音位;Morpheme 语素; Grapheme 字位,字素
3. The minimal contrastive unit(最小对立对) in the writing system of a language.
4. Cognate 同源词
5. Romanization 字母化(拼音化)
6. Grapheme-phoneme conversion 字音转换
Examples (graphemes of the phoneme /f/)
f (as in "fun")
gh (as in "rough")
ph (as in "philosopher")
7. Tonal language 声调语言
8. Rote memorization 死记硬背
Idiosyncratic stories 个性化故事
9. Radical awareness 偏旁认知能力
radical偏旁 stroke 笔画 stroke order笔顺
10. Intraword awareness 字内认知
11. Linguistic code 语码
12. Declarative knowledge 陈述性知识
Procedural knowledge 程序性知识
Strategic knowledge 策略性知识
13. Etymological background 字源背景
14. Discourse structure 话语结构
15. Heritage language 继承语
16. Extensive reading 泛读;
Intensive reading 精读
17. Scan 查读,寻读 look at quickly without careful reading, often looking for a particular thing
Skim 略读 read quickly, nothing but only the chief points
18. Schema(Schemata) 图式
Schema theory 图式理论
to explain how people use background knowledge to shape their expectations about what a text (spoken or written) will contain.
19. Top-down自上而下
五 AP Chinese Language and Culture
•Advanced Placement Programs 大学先修课程项目
•pedagogical principles教学原则
•Negotiation of meaning 意义协商
•Internalize 内化
•Proficiency Guidelines 熟练度测评指南
•Performance Guidelines能力测评指南
•Formative assessments 形成性测评
•Summative assessments 总结性测评
•Rubrics 评分准则
•Delivery 口头表达
•Free-response questions 开放性试题
•Verbal/Linguistic learners 言语/语言型学习者
•Visual/Spatial learners 视觉/空间型学习者
•Interpersonal learners 互动交际型学习者
•Intrapersonal learners 内省型学习者
•Credits policy学分置换政策
•Placement policy 课程跳级政策
•AP Chinese Development Committee AP汉语发展委员会
•Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)美国汉语教师学会
•AP Chinese Reader AP汉语评分委员
六Teaching Chinese Orthography and Discourse_ Knowledge and pedagogy 汉字的正字法与语篇教学:知识和教学方法
the system of spelling in a language
②Cross-linguistic differences跨语言差异
③L1 transfer第一语言迁移
④Logographic script意音文字
Components部件 Characters 汉字
⑥Simple characters 独体字
Compound characters 合体字
⑦Semantic radical 形旁
Phonetic radical声旁
⑧Character formation sequence汉字的生成
⑨Patterns of character configurations汉字的结构
⑩Preventive strategies预防策略
⑪Corrective strategies矫正策略
⑫Discourse 语篇
七 Teaching Listening and Speaking —— An Interactive Approach 互动教学法
2、Input-output model:输入-输出模型
Input processing hypothesis 输入加工假说
Pushed output 强迫式输出理论
3、Research findings:研究成果
4、Curriculum design:课程设计
5、Instructional implementation:教学实施
6、Phonological store:
7、Articulatory loop/phonological loop:
8、Speech processing语音处理
9、Semantic function and pragmatic function 语义功能和语用功能
10、Culture specific 文化特性
11、Integrating speaking and listening in an
interactive fashion 听说互动
12、Interlanguage system 中介语系统
13、Blended Learning 混合式教学法
14、Flipped(Inverted)Classroom 翻转课堂
八Technology in Chinese Language Teaching and Learning 汉语教学中的技术
3. Convenience Productivity便捷性&能产性
4. Normalization of computer use
5. TTS(Text-to-Speech) Programs
6. Speech Recognition Technology
7. Technology ecology科技生态环境
8. Collaborative learning互助(协作)学习
9. Self-paced language instruction自主学习
10. E-learning数字化/电子化/网络化学习
11. Computerized tests线上测试与评估(电脑
12.Chinese Placement Test online线上汉语分
13.Application of cloud platform for education
14. Modernization of Chinese teaching and learning汉语教学现代化
15. intergrate交互
16. streaming technology 流媒体技术(资源下载的同时播放)
九Teaching Chinese as a Heritage Language —— focused on the United States 汉语作为继承语的教学
Heritage Language HL继承语
Skewed linguistic skills 不平衡的语言技能
Marginalized 使边缘化
Ethnic ambivalence 民族矛盾
Dual tracks 双轨制
3-fold tracks 三轨制
Cantonese 广东话
Immersion/content-based course 浸入式课程
CHL development path:继承语发展路径
mainstream school/language:主流学校、语言
ethnic ambivalence:民族矛盾心理
prior Chinese proficiency:先前中文水平
length of English immersion:英语浸入时间
work book 工具书
十 Linking Curriculum, assessment, and Professional development——Challenge of a k-16 Articulated Program连结课程,评估和专业发展:K-16衔接项目的挑战
Flagship Scholars领航学习者,领航生
Upper-division university高等学院(是对大三,大四课程的补充,供社区大学的学生继续学习)
Classical Chinese/Literacy Chinese文言文
Content class内容课(语言以外的历史、经济等课程)
关键语言 critical language
衔接 Articulation
无缝衔接 seamless articulation
K16(kindergarten through sixteenth grade) 从基础教育到大学教育
Chinese Flagship Program 中文领航项目
Curriculum articulation 课程衔接
Capstone course 顶点课程
Metacognitive learning strategies元认知学习策略
Experiential learning 体验式学习
Eollaborative culture 协作文化
Diffusion of Innovation Grant Program 传播创新资助计划
Flagship Partner Program 领航伙伴项目
OPI(oral proficiency interview)口语能力测试
Chinese Flagship Track 中文领航赛道
Understanding the Culture of American Schools, and Managing the Successful Chinese Language Classroom理解美国学校文化,成功管理汉语课堂
1. Public Schooling:公立学校教育
2. Premise:前提
3. Decentralization:分散管理、权力下放
4. U.S. Department of Education:美国教育部
6. ACT:American College Test/Testing美国
7. Special Education:特殊教育
8. IEP:Individualized Education Program个
9. School district:学区
10. Boards of Education/School Boards(学区)教育董事会
11. Back-to-school night:返校日
12. Productive Learning:产出性学习
13. Receptive Learning:接受性学习
14. Well-rounded people:全面发展的人
15. Assertive:专断的
16. minor disruption 小动作
17. orientation
18. Open Access 开放教育
19. The Ideal of Universal Literacy 识字率
20. Parental Involvement 家长参与