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最牛的语言学会议之一,这一届在挪威丨语言学午餐 2019年11月21日

时       间: 2019.05.07~2019.05.11

地       点: 挪威 奥斯陆市 奥斯陆市 挪威奥斯陆

主办单位: GLOW(Generative Linguistics in the Old World)

与会人数: 0人

       语言学学术圈的人,很多都听说过GLOW(Generative Linguistics in the Old World)的大名。第42届将于2019年5月7到11日在挪威奥斯陆举行,参加这个会议,你会了解最顶尖、最前沿的生成语法研究进展。


For the main colloquium which will include two poster sessions, scholars are invited to submit unpublished papers within all areas of generative linguistics. Submissions on phonological topics are especially welcome. The three workshops have their own topic and expect papers relating to them.

An author may submit a maximum of two abstracts to the main colloquium or to a workshop, where only one submission may be single-authored.

On Easychair, there will be an option for authors to indicate whether they would like their abstract to be considered only for a workshop, only for the main session, or for both. For the main session, authors can also choose whether they would like their paper to be considered for only for an oral presentation, only for a poster presentation, or both.

The Easychair link for submissions is found here (见官网).


  • No abstract may be longer than 2 pages (A4 or letter size) with 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins.

  • Abstracts must be set single spaced in a 12 pt font. Figures and references may be set in a smaller font, but must be within the 2 page limit.

  • Only pdf files will be accepted.

  • The submission must not reveal the identity of the author(s) in any way. (Note that files uploaded to Easychair are renamed by the system, but a PDF file may contain hidden information about its author or creator.)

The deadline for submitting abstracts is midnight UTC, 02 November 2018.





