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第21届汉语词汇语义工作坊(CLSW2020) 2019年12月19日

时       间: 2020.05.28~2020.05.31

地       点: 中国 香港 香港城市大学

主办单位: 香港城市大学翻译与语言学系

与会人数: 待定

21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2020)


Date/日期: 2020.05.28 - 05.31

Location/地点: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Contact Person/联系人: Meichun Liu

Web Site/会议官网: http://clsw2020.lt.cityu.edu.hk

Linguistic Field(s)所涉语言学分支: Cognitive Science认知科学; Computational Linguistics计算语言学; Semantics语义学; Text/Corpus Linguistics文本/语料库语言学

Call Deadline征稿截止: 2020.01.20

Meeting Description会议描述:

Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW) is one of the most important international conferences on Chinese Lexical Semantics and related fields, starting from the turn of the century in year 2000, under the auspices of the Academic Advisory Committee of CLSW conference. This workshop series is dedicated to various approaches to lexical semantic research with the goal to integrate linguistics, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, and computational linguistics. It has been held in different Asia Pacific cities, including Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei, Singapore, Xiamen, Hsin Chu, Yantai, Suzhou, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Leshan, Macao and Chiayi, etc. CLSW has become one of the most influential and internationally known platforms for cross-disciplinary research exchange, dialogue, and collaboration. Over the past 20 years, it has been attended by an average of 250 participants with a diverse range of scholars from China, Singapore, US, UK and EU.

The 21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2020) will be held on May 28-31, 2020, in City University of Hong Kong, organized by Department of Linguistics and Translation at City University of Hong Kong, and co-organized by Department of Linguistics and Modern Language at Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities. Scholars all over the world are cordially invited to submit papers to CLSW2020 at CityU of HK!

CLSW2020 Conference Theme

Lexical Semantics, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Science

CLSW2020 features in SIX world-renowned keynote speakers on the thematic topics and FOUR special pre-conference parallel sessions to facilitate scholarly exchanges.

Keynote Speakers主旨报告:

Prof. Adele E. Goldberg, Princeton University

Prof. Kenneth Ward Church, Baidu Research

Prof. Martin Hilpert, University of Neuchâtel

Prof. Ping Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Ming Zhou, Microsoft Research Asia

Prof. Weiguang Qu, Nanjing Normal University

Special Pre-conference Parallel Sessions:

- Lexical Semantics and Chinese Linguistics

- Computational Lexical Semantics

- Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics

- Chinese Language Acquisition, Teaching, and Testing

Important Dates重要日期:

Paper submission deadline (4-8 pages): Jan. 20, 2020

Notification of acceptance: Mar. 02, 2020

Final paper submission deadline: Mar. 31, 2020

Dates of conference: May 28-31, 2020

Submission Topics议题:

CLSW welcomes submissions on any aspect of Chinese lexical semantics in general, as well as related fields more broadly concerned with language. It aims to cover a wide range of research topics including, but not limited to, the following:

- Recent advancements in Lexical Semantics, including theories and methodologies;

- Lexical Semantics and AI;

- Lexical Semantics and Cognitive Science;

- Lexical Semantics and Chinese Linguistics;

- Lexical vs. constructional approaches to linguistic inquiries or data probing;

- Lexical semantic representation and processing models for cognition and computation;

- Construction of Chinese lexical resources, such as dictionaries, thesauri, ontology and wordnet as well as semantically tagged corpora;

- Theories, technologies, tools, methods, and guidelines for semantic annotation;

- Applications of Chinese lexical semantics on natural language processing, include but not limited to emotion, fake news, humor, irony, lying, metaphor, etc.

- Inter-disciplinary studies on lexical semantics involving any of the following and/or other fields: big data, clinical linguistics, cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, deep/machine learning, digital humanities, distributional semantics, information retrieval, intercultural communication, knowledge representation, language acquisition, language variations, machine translation, neuro-/psycho-linguistics, semantic computing, theory of mind etc.

Submission Guidelines提交导引:

- Language: papers can be written in either Chinese or English and should be limited to 4 to 8 pages, excluding references. Authors please submit electronic files in Adobe Acrobat PDF or Microsoft Word format. Paper submission templates are available at the workshop website.

- Anonymous review: All submissions for review must be anonymous. Information that may reveal the identities of the authors must be removed from the paper.

- Submission website: All papers are to be submitted to Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=clsw2020).

CLSW2020 Organisers会议组织:

Organiser: Dept. of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong

Co-organisers: Dept. of Linguistics and Modern Languages, Chinese University of Hong Kong; The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities


