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第六届汉语语言学研究日(AILC 2020) 2019年12月19日

时       间: 2020.06.24~2020.06.26

地       点: Italy意大利 Forlì弗利

主办单位: 意大利汉语语言学学会

与会人数: 待定

Sixth Edition of the Study Days on Chinese Linguistics (AILC 2020)

第六届汉语语言学研究日(AILC 2020)

Date日期: 2020.6.24 - 6.26

Location地点: Forlì, Italy 弗利,意大利

Contact Person联系人: Serena Zuccheri

Web Site会议网址: https://linguisticacinese.wixsite.com/ailc/giornate-di-studio-di-linguistica-c

Linguistic Field(s)所涉语言学分支: Applied Linguistics应用语言学; General Linguistics普通语言学; Historical Linguistics历史语言学; Language Acquisition语言获得; Semantics语义学

Subject Language(s)主题语言: Chinese, Gan; Chinese, Hakka; Chinese, Huizhou; Chinese, Jinyu; Chinese, Mandarin; Chinese, Min Bei; Chinese, Min Dong; Chinese, Min Nan; Chinese, Min Zhong; Chinese, Old; Chinese, Wu; Chinese, Xiang; Chinese, Yue

Call Deadline征稿截止: 2019.12.15

Meeting Description会议详情:

Following the successful editions of the Study Days on Chinese Linguistics held in Venice (2014), Milan (2015), Rome (2016), Naples (2017), and Milan (2018), we are glad to announce that the Sixth edition of the Study Days on Chinese Linguistics promoted by the Italian Association of Chinese Linguistics (AILC) will be held at the Department of Interpretation and Translation of the University of Bologna, Forlì, Italy, 24-26 June 2020.

Invited Speaker特邀演讲:

Prof Wolfgang Behrr

Asien-Orient Institut - Universität Zürich

Call for Papers征稿:

Those wishing to participate to the Study Days are required to give their talk either in English or in Italian, they will have 20 minutes time to present their research. Proposals for presentations should be related (but not limited to) the following areas of research:

- Lexicon and Semantics

- Syntax and Morphology

- Historical Linguistics

- Language Teaching and Acquisition

Participants who wish to deliver a speech at the Study Days are invited to send their personal information and an anonymous abstract (of no more than 500 words, excluding references) to the following email address:


The abstract should specify the theoretical framework, research questions and methodology, main results and conclusions, including the cited bibliography.

Abstract submission deadline摘要提交截止: December 15, 2019

Notification of acceptance接收确认: February 15, 2020

In case of acceptance of the abstract, if the participant is not a member of the Italian Association of Chinese Linguistics, s/he will have to apply for membership following the detailed instructions on https://linguisticacinese.wixsite.com/ailc/copy-of-presentazione


