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2019认知和语言衔接研究会议(BROCAS 2019) 2019年12月23日

时       间: 2019.12.13~2019.12.14

地       点: India印度 Rupnagar鲁普纳加尔 Indian Institute of Technology Ropar印度理工学院罗巴尔分校

主办单位: 印度理工学院罗巴尔分校人类与社会科学系

与会人数: 待定

Bridging Research On Cognition And Speech 2019 (BROCAS 2019)


Date日期: 2019.12.13-12.14

Location地点: IIT Ropar, Rupnagar, Punjab, India 印度理工学院罗巴尔分校,印度

Contact Person联系人: Somdev Kar

Web Site会议网址: https://brocas2019.wordpress.com

Linguistic Field(s)所涉语言学分支: Cognitive Science认知科学; Neurolinguistics神经语言学; Phonetics语音学; Phonology音系学; Psycholinguistics心理语言学

Call Deadline征稿截止: 2019.10.10

Meeting Description会议详情:

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore, is delighted to announce its second linguistic symposium Bridging Research On Cognition And Speech (BROCAS) 2019. The symposium is organized at IIT Ropar with the intent of offering a platform to research scholars and practitioners from qualitatively different research backgrounds, including theoretical, experimental and modeling, to present their ongoing research in the fields related to Phonology and/or Language cognition.

Call for Papers征稿:

Abstracts are invited for the original and hitherto unpublished research works in the following fields:

- Phonetics

- Phonology

- Psycholinguistics

- Neurolinguistics

- Language and Cognition

Works that are not strictly on the fields mentioned above but overlap with any of them are also welcome.

The two days long symposium will include addresses by the keynote speakers, participant presentations (articles and posters) and a workshop.

Researchers working in the concerned fields are encouraged to send their abstracts by the aforementioned date.

N.B: Only abstracts submitted through EasyChair will be reviewed. No other forms of submission (e-mail attachment, hard-copy etc.) will be entertained.

CfP: https://easychair.org/cfp/BROCAS2019

Abstract submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=brocas2019


