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【国外会议】第10届形态句法结构的音系外显研究工作坊 (phex10) 2019年12月23日

时       间: 2020.02.15

地       点: 日本 东京 东京大学

主办单位: 日本东京大学

与会人数: 待定

10th Workshop on Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic Structure (phex10)

第10届形态句法结构的音系外显研究工作坊 (phex10)

转载自网站Linguist List(中文部分为小编自行编译)

Date时间: 2020.02.15

Location地点: Tokyo, Japan 东京,日本

Contact Person联系人: Hisao Tokizaki

Web Site会议网址: https://toki482.wixsite.com/phex10

Linguistic Field(s)所涉语言学分支: Linguistic Theories语言学理论; Phonology音系学; Syntax句法学

Call Deadline征稿截止: 2019.10.31

Meeting Description会议详情:

PHEX 10 is the 10th workshop of our research project ''Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic Structure: Universals and Variables'' (2015-2020). Following the success of the previous workshops in Sapporo, Niigata and Lexington, KY, we are glad to invite abstracts for presentation about the morphosyntax-phonology interface.

Call for Papers征稿:

Possible topics include (but not are limited to):

Topic 1 The mechanism of Externalization

Topic 2 Linear order of constituents, morphemes, and/or phonemes 

Topic 3 Mapping of syntactic structure onto phonological structure 

Topic 4 Phonological approaches to syntactic phenomena 

Topic 5 Prosodic phrasing and syntax 

Please submit an anonymous abstract (A4 PDF) of no more than 1 page (excluding references) by EasyChair:


The deadline for abstract submission is November 30, 2019. 

We will notify the result by mid December 2019. 

Program Committee会议委员会:

Hisao Tokizaki (Sapporo University)

Jiro Inaba (The University of Tokyo)

Yoshihito Dobashi (Niigata University)

Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University)


Hisao Tokizaki (Sapporo University)

Jiro Inaba (The University of Tokyo)

You can download the proceedings of our previous workshops (PhEx vols.1-4) at: 

vol. 1 


vol. 2 


vol. 3 


vol. 4



