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【国外会议】17th Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP17) 2019年12月23日

时       间: 2020.02.05~2020.02.07

地       点: 波兰 华沙 华沙大学

主办单位: 华沙大学英语研究院、应用语言学研究院

与会人数: 待定

17th Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP17)


转自Linguist List(中文部分为小编自行编译)

Date日期: 2020.02.05-02.07

Location地点: University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 华沙大学,华沙,波兰

Contact Person联系人: Karolina Broś

Web Site会议网址: https://ocp17.ils.uw.edu.pl

Linguistic Field(s)所涉语言学分支: General Linguistics普通语言学; Phonology音系学; Psycholinguistics心理语言学

Call Deadline征稿截止: 2019.10.01

Meeting Description会议详情:

OCP is an annual event gathering researchers specialising in phonology and related fields, interested in both theoretical and exprimental issues. It was founded in 2003 by a group of linguists from the Leiden University Center for Linguistics and the Meertens Institute, and has since grown into an international forum attended by both senior and junior linguists. The previous edition of the conference was held in Verona.

2nd Call for Papers二次征稿:

Extended Deadline: 1 October, 2019

We invite all phonologists to submit abstracts for the next year's Old World Conference in Phonology, which will take place in Warsaw.

We welcome submissions on any topic in phonology. We invite abstracts for talks (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion) or posters. Each person may submit a maximum of one abstract as first author (or sole author), and a maximum of two abstracts in total. Abstracts will be (blindly) peer-reviewed by an international panel of reviewers.

Abstract Guidelines摘要指南:

- Maximum 2 pages of A4 paper, including references, examples, tables, and figures.

- 12 pt Times New Roman font, or similar.

- One-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides.

- Anonymous (please do not include author details or citations to unpublished work).

- PDF format.

Abstracts not following these guidelines will be rejected without review.

Abstract submission, reviewing, and notification of acceptance will be handled using EasyChair. The following link will lead you to the submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocp17.

The deadline for abstract submission is 1 October 2019.

Notification of acceptance will be in early November.

In case of any problems or queries, please go to https://ocp17.ils.uw.edu.pl or contact Karolina Bros (k.brosuw.edu.pl).


