会议主题:新时期国际中文教育新形势、新问题、新方案此外,会议还专设“学科发展研讨分论坛”、“巴林地区中文教学能力建设分论坛”、“高级汉语教学分论坛”。分论坛具体安排另行发布。会议语言为中英双语,热忱欢迎“一带一路”国家中文教学、国际中文教育专业建设、国际中文教育事业发展、来华留学工作等领域的相关专家学者、教师及学生踊跃参会。会议时间:2023年8月11-13日(8月11日报到,8月12-13日会议报告及讨论)为了提高学术质量,会议设立论文审核制度,敬请有意参会的学者按照会议规定时间提交论文全文或详细摘要,会务组将组织评委会匿名评审,对通过的论文摘要或全文,发放会议邀请。会议论文为中文或英文均可,请提交论文摘要或全文的电子版。标题请用三号宋体,正文用五号宋体,作者姓名为五号宋体并置于标题下方居中。如提交论文全文,总字数请在10,000字以内,论文摘要请在800字以内。文末请注明作者姓名、单位、职称、研究方向、通讯地址、手机号码、电子邮箱。文件请用“姓名-单位-题目”命名。本届会议会务费1000元/人;在读学生凭证减半。往返交通、食宿等费用自理。如需会务费发票,请按时间节点将发票抬头告知会务组。论文摘要或全文提交邮箱:icleshu@163.comSummit Forum on International Chinese Education &The 4rd Belt and Road Conference on International ChineseSponsored and Organized byCollege of International Education, Shanghai UniversityThe main topics of the Forum include but are not limited to the following:(1) The Research on Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages in the countries and regions along the Belt and Road;(2) Opportunities and challenges for the development of International Chinese Education;(3) International Chinese Language Teaching Digitalization;(4) Opportunities and challenges for students of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages;(5) Opportunities and challenges for the development of teachers of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages;(6) Research on the cultivation and training of local teachers in International Chinese Education;Cultural and Confucius Institute Construction(7) The current situation of teaching Chinese in Confucius Institutes worldwide and the study of its development strategy;(8) Study on the Cultural Transmission Function of Confucius Institutes;(9) Study on the spread of Chinese language and intercultural communication under the Belt and Road Initiative.Enrollment、Management、Teaching and Cultivation of International Students in ChinaSub-forums on discipline development seminar、the ability construction of Chinese teaching in Bahrain、advanced Chinese teaching, sub-forum will be further noticed.Scholars, researchers, teachers and students in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, and those who are interested in the related topics.Please submit the registration information and the entire paper or abstract according to the schedule (important dates as follows).Deadline for paper or abstract May 15,2023Conference date August 11-13,20231000 RMB per person, 500 RMB for per studentTransportation fees and accommodation fees and other fees will pay by yourself.If you need invoice, please inform the conference committee with the invoice title when you register.Paper Abstract InstructionMay 15, 2023 is the deadline for submission of paper or abstract. Each paper or abstract must be formatted according to the instructions (as follows) and submitted them e-mail:icleshu@163.com.Shuhan Chen, Tel: +86-021-66130301Yulai Pei , Tel : +86-021-66130960College of International Education, Shanghai University